Bayou Community Foundation is excited to announce the first-ever community giving day just for our Bayou Region – BayouGives on Tuesday, April 30! Terrebonne, Lafourche and Grand Isle nonprofit organizations are eligible to participate in this 24-hour online giving event and nonprofit registration is now open through Monday, March 11 at www.BayouGives.org.
The goal of BayouGives is to inspire our Terrebonne, Lafourche and Grand Isle community to come together as one to support the critical work of our local nonprofits on this exciting giving day. Join us in celebrating the unique culture and generous spirt of our Bayou Region by registering your nonprofit for BayouGives by March 11! For more information, visit www.BayouGives.orgor email Bayou Community Foundation at armandj@bayoucf.org.